Dec 11, 2009

Happy Birthday, Gabie!

We had a HUGE snow on Gabe's birthday.  Daddy got to stay home.  Gabe wasn't a huge fan of how bright it was outside, so the first try at sledding was a bust.  But we got some cute photos.
Gabe is growing!  We had his 1 year check up and his weight is now in the 25th percentile!  It's not a big deal, but it's fun that he's changing and growing.
Today, I put his car seat facing forward.  It's so fun to see his face and watch him enjoy his new perspective on everything.  The only down side so far is that when I started eating my Mcdonald's, he saw it and started whining for a bite.  Whoops.
He is walking a lot more these days.  He lets go and takes steps on his own.  He just still falls alot.  He has a scratch on his nose today from a fall last night.  I get sad when he falls and gets hurt but he always recovers so quickly.  We'll see if that's true when he gets his shots on Wednesday.
Starting today, it's going to feel like someone pushed the fast-forward button on our lives for about 3 weeks.  December gets crazy, but it's time to make some awesome memories!  And take lots of pictures!

Nov 12, 2009

Baby Talk

Words Gabe says:
"woof woof"
"uh oh"
newest addition! "shoes"

He's also said "night night" and "baby" like, once before.  I love the sound of his voice.

He's taking about 4 steps without falling.  And he's letting go of support just to stand a lot more.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!  I love him!  He's really fun to play with.  He laughs all the time!

Nov 1, 2009

Veggie Monster

Gabe gets really cuddly right before bed.  It's becoming my favorite time of day.  Now, when I give him eskimo kisses, he gives them back.  It's the best.

He has been so fantastically easy lately.  We had a couple of rough days a week or so ago with teething.  He now has 5 teeth.  Almost 6.  He has his eye teeth but not his two front teeth.  He had fangs for Halloween.  But that didn't really contribute to his Superman costume.

He is such a joy.  I love watching him play with Jacob.  Gabe is becoming a great playmate!  He laughs and participates so well!

Now, he enjoys showing us how big he is.  He puts two hands about his head.   He can high-five, shake his head "no", tell us when he's done eating, and walk holding onto just one hand.  He is sleeping really well and getting better and falling asleep in strange places.  When we drop him off in the nursery at Church or MOPS, he's so easy on his caretakers.  We are so blessed!

And tonight, I found out that he loves brocolli.  With cheese.

Oct 12, 2009

Can't Keep Up

I'm not doing a very good job keeping up.  Gabe is changing everyday.  I can hear him in the next room talking now.  I put his jumper to face the big window in the dinig room so he can look out while he plays in it.  He's chatting up a storm in there!

He's playing this new game with his dad where Jacob hides around the corner and plays peekaboo a few tims, them crawl toward Gabe and says "I'm gonna get you!"  Gabe laughs and then roll onto his back while he waits to Jacob to get him.  I don't know why he rolls over, but it's pretty hilarious!

The hardest part these days is the teething.  He's just a different baby when his mouth is bugging him.  At least, that's what I assume is the problem.  It's such a guessing game. 

I am watching another little baby girl everyday.  She's sweet and very easy.  Easier than Gabe was, I think.  And I'm praying about some things and waiting to see what the Lord will do.  Trying to practice keeping my hope anchored in Him.

This is Gabe playing piano with his friend Kate.  Budding musicians.

Gabe and his Daddy.

This is about the cutest picture he's ever taken.

Sep 23, 2009


We had SUCH a good time with our dear friends, the Deavers, last night.  The food was good, the kids were cute and the time was short.

The more time I spend being Gabe's mom, the more I love it.  He gets cuter and more fun every day.  He laughs so much!  He is pulling up on everything, cruising a bit.  Yesterday, he let go of what he was holding on to and just stood there for a few seconds on his own.  He is such a big boy.

Gabe talks a LOT and says "mama" "dada" "uh oh" "bye bye" "woof woof"  (that means dog) and "kitty".  Some words he says way more than others.

We are abundantly blessed.

Sep 15, 2009

Walk This Way

I got to Sub at Hope for the first time yesterday.  4th grade.  It was a great day, good to see everyone, got lots of hugs.  Strange how it was so familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.  I was araid I'd end the day wishing I hadn't left.  Instead, I was so glad to be home.

Gabe's gonna walk soon...I think.

Sep 11, 2009

Don't Wanna Miss a Thing

Gabe went from crawling to sitting today for the first time and I decided that I don't want to forget anything about these early days at home with him. So, we have a blog.

This time at home comes with joy and only a tiny bit of pain. It's a financial sacrifice, but relationally, we've hit the lotto. I love giving Gabe his bath and smelling him afterward, pushing him in the swing out back and trying to see if there is a new tooth in his mouth as his smile swings closer, and watching him light up when his dad gets home. And I love having Jacob home and relaxed and not scrambling to keep the house and the food in order after a long day at school. This is a good season.

Gabe was drumming on the djembe in the living room but now he's on his way in here to tell me about it. It's time for a nap. We're going to go have lunch with Daddy at school today.