Feb 23, 2010

Gabe is getting so big!  I can't believe how tall he is.  He's probably still small for his age, but he seems so big to me!  We'll find out in a couple weeks where he is on the scale these days.

And...I'm prego again!  Due in mid-September.  We're pretty excited.  We're not going to find out the gender, and Jake says we're not telling any names!  (But to be honest, we haven't decided on a boy's name yet.)

The school year will be over in only 2 months.  I'm definitely looking forward to that, but I'm hoping the weather warms up in the next couple of weeks.  I'm shopping for a double stroller and Lily can help break it in!  I need to get moving!

Feb 3, 2010

There's just something about that name...

Gabe's new word today: Jesus