Apr 26, 2012

Ask and it WILL be given to you...

I can do all things through HIM who gives me strength.  Phil. 4:13

From the end of the earth I call to YOU when my heart is overwhelmed.  Lead me to the ROCK that is higher than I.  Psalm 61:2

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING in the heavenly places.  Eph 1:3

So, when I read Jesus' words "Ask whatever you wish in my name and it will be given to you", I am really perplexed.  I mean, Jesus said it, so it's true, right?  Ask Him for anything and it's mine?  I can tell you from experience that this isn't how it works.  So, either Jesus was lying (definitely not the case) or there is something wrong with the way I understand this verse (a most probable senerio).

I think Ephesians 1 is the answer.  We have been promised every spiritual blessing.  This means that, without fail, I can ask God to help me with something in the spiritual realm and He will help.  The difference is that I have to change my prayers. 

Instead of, "Lord, please make this baby fall asleep."  I should pray, "Lord, please give me another 20 minutes of a clam, patient spirit, so I can gently rock this child to sleep."

Instead of, "Father, please bring someone along to buy this house."  I should pray, "Father, please continue to remind me that I have everything I need.  Give me a content heart."

Instead of, "Jesus, please give me all green lights because I am so late for this appointment."  I should pray, "Jesus, I have failed at being punctual.  Please help me to be gracious and handle my failure humbly."

The latter prayers WILL be answered.  I must be dependent on Him for everything.  I can gracefully walk through any situation with Christlike character if I am asking for His help.  I can be Christlike in ANYTHING through HIM who gives me strength.  He always answers when I ask for a gentle and quiet spirit, patience, grace to extend to others, and a calm response when my temper is rising.  He is so good and faithful to His word.

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