Aug 17, 2012

Day 68: 5K!

Well, the day had come.  I signed up for this race to keep me running.  Jacob had trained a little, too. 

The last 5K I ran took me 43 minutes.  My only goal at that point was to not stop running (shuffling).

This time, my goal was  to do it in under 35 minutes, and....I did!  34:37.  It was a much tougher course than I thought it would be.  In my inexperience, it didn't occur to me that it might have a lot of hills.  And it did. 

 So Pretty!

Afterward, I felt kinda sick, but it passed.  I felt awesome, and very proud.  I'm ready to get faster and run farther!  And I loved having my husband there to run with me.  He finished a good 7 minutes faster than I did.  He's awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Em! That is so awesome!! I'm extremely impressed.
