May 31, 2012

Day 12: Finally Camping!

This is the one thing Jake wanted to do as soon as school was it and it got pushed back and pushed back.  We FINALLY got to go.  And it was truly perfect.  I don't think I'll ever forget this trip. 

Swimming in the lake, having such an isolated camping spot, the oriole that kept stopping by, picking and eating fresh mullberries from the tree by our site, getting really dirty, the big storm at night, having the boys take turns crawling into bed with us, sitting by the fire with Jake after they went to sleep.  P.E.R.F.E.C.T.  So good, in fact, we are doing it again this weekend.

The kiddie pool and buckets kept them occupied while we set up. 
Must remember this.

Always a great time when he's around.

Love this pic!

The awesome spider bite I got.


  1. Yikes you should get that bite checked out!! Looks like so much fun though - where did you go?

  2. Council Grove. And the bite kinda hit a peak 24 hours later and then is slowly getting better.

  3. I love the picture with them holding hands!
