Apr 30, 2012

Green Thumb....What?

Gabe brought home a flower to plant from MOPS last Wednesday.  We have this HUGE pot on our front porch, but we put it in there anyway.  I'll add more later. 
Anyway, this morning we went outside and a second flower had bloomed!  I said "Gabe, your flower grew another flower!  You must have a green thumb!"  He looked at me and said "What?"

Look at this cuteness!

I seriously love this baby.  He and his awesome big brother.

Apr 27, 2012

Free Outdoor Fun

We are all about free.  We are so happy to be so close to the fish hatchery and nature center at Milford Lake.  It's free to go there and see all of these animals that are native to Kansas.  They have great walking trails through the woods near the lake.  It's educational, too!  

We also love to fish!!!  Gabe got to pick out his first very own fishing pole at Cabela's.  (He wanted the Barbie one, but Daddy drew the line.)  So, Gabe, the Spiderman fishing pole, and some night crawlers pulled in several blue gill at Papa John and Grandma BooBoo's pond.  He kept reminding us how good he is at fishing.  =)  You are SO good, Gabe!

Apr 26, 2012

Ask and it WILL be given to you...

I can do all things through HIM who gives me strength.  Phil. 4:13

From the end of the earth I call to YOU when my heart is overwhelmed.  Lead me to the ROCK that is higher than I.  Psalm 61:2

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING in the heavenly places.  Eph 1:3

So, when I read Jesus' words "Ask whatever you wish in my name and it will be given to you", I am really perplexed.  I mean, Jesus said it, so it's true, right?  Ask Him for anything and it's mine?  I can tell you from experience that this isn't how it works.  So, either Jesus was lying (definitely not the case) or there is something wrong with the way I understand this verse (a most probable senerio).

I think Ephesians 1 is the answer.  We have been promised every spiritual blessing.  This means that, without fail, I can ask God to help me with something in the spiritual realm and He will help.  The difference is that I have to change my prayers. 

Instead of, "Lord, please make this baby fall asleep."  I should pray, "Lord, please give me another 20 minutes of a clam, patient spirit, so I can gently rock this child to sleep."

Instead of, "Father, please bring someone along to buy this house."  I should pray, "Father, please continue to remind me that I have everything I need.  Give me a content heart."

Instead of, "Jesus, please give me all green lights because I am so late for this appointment."  I should pray, "Jesus, I have failed at being punctual.  Please help me to be gracious and handle my failure humbly."

The latter prayers WILL be answered.  I must be dependent on Him for everything.  I can gracefully walk through any situation with Christlike character if I am asking for His help.  I can be Christlike in ANYTHING through HIM who gives me strength.  He always answers when I ask for a gentle and quiet spirit, patience, grace to extend to others, and a calm response when my temper is rising.  He is so good and faithful to His word.

Apr 13, 2012

A mile in his shoes...

I'm subbing for 7th grade science today.  Usually, I only sub for music teachers, but there is this really good looking science teacher that needed some help today, so...

He told me this year he had some tough kids...yes he does.  I should be easier on him when he comes home in the evenings.

Apr 8, 2012

Outdoor Summer

This is the beginning of what I hope our summer will look like: